School Rules- Sorting Cards for Good and Bad Habits

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Title: School Rules – Sorting Cards for Good and Bad Habits
Suitable For: Teachers, parents, young learners
Purpose: To help children understand and differentiate between positive and negative behaviors, instilling important values and appropriate conduct.


  • Sorting cards into “Good Habits” and “Bad Habits” categories.
  • Promoting discussions and understanding of appropriate behavior.

Tools Needed: No special tools needed. Simply print and cut out the sorting cards.
Page Size: 8.5″x 11″ (Letter Size)

User Instructions:

  • Introduction: Present the sorting cards to the child. Explain the concept of good habits and bad habits, providing examples if necessary.
  • Sorting Activity: Encourage the child to sort the cards into two categories: “Good Habits” and “Bad Habits.” Discuss each card and the reasons for categorizing it as a good or bad habit.
  • Discussion: Use this activity as an opportunity to discuss positive behavior and its importance.



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  • Classroom Harmony: School Rules Sorting Cards for Good and Bad Habits

    My students have used this activity however, according to me it’s for the older student body. High learners have enjoyed it.

  • Rule Review: Sorting Cards for Good and Bad Habits in School

    This resource was great to show me student understanding of the skill so that I could check for understanding. This worksheet was great to allow students to continue to practice this skill.

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