All About Me Pennant Worksheets

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Title: All About Me Pennant Project
Target Audience: Elementary and Middle School Educators and Students
Purpose: Foster self-expression, celebrate individuality, and build a sense of community within the classroom using creative personal pennants.


  • Distribution: Provide each student with an All About Me Pennant page.
  • Instructions: Guide students to fill in their names, interests, goals, favorite things, and any other personal details.
  • Encourage Creativity: Prompt students to express themselves creatively through drawings, color choices, and decorations on their pennants.
  • Assembly: Once completed, instruct students to cut out their pennants along the provided outline.
  • Display: Create a visually appealing classroom display by hanging the pennants using string or yarn.
  • Facilitate Discussions: Initiate discussions around common interests, unique qualities, and what makes each student special.
  • Promote Respect and Appreciation: Emphasize the importance of respecting and appreciating differences among classmates.

Tools Needed:

  • Coloring materials (crayons, markers, colored pencils)

Page Size: 8.5″x 11″ (Letter Size)
User Instruction:

  • Distribute Pennants: Hand out an All About Me Pennant page to each student.
  • Fill in Information: Instruct students to write their names and fill in details about themselves, such as interests, goals, and favorite things.
  • Encourage Creativity: Encourage students to be creative by adding drawings, choosing colors, and decorating their pennants.
  • Cut Out Pennants: Once finished, have students carefully cut out their pennants along the outer edge.
  • Create Classroom Display: Assist students in hanging their completed pennants using string or yarn to create a decorative classroom display.
  • Facilitate Discussions: Use the pennants as prompts for class discussions about what students have in common and what makes each person unique.
  • Emphasize Respect: Reinforce the importance of respecting and appreciating the diverse interests and qualities of their classmates.



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  • Celebrating Individuality: All About Me Pennant Worksheets

    This is a great resource! Thank you

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