CVC Short Vowel Word Building Cards

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Title: CVC Word-Building Worksheet with Pictures
Suitable For: Early readers developing CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) word-building skills
Purpose: This worksheet features engaging pictures to help associate sounds with words, ideal for young learners developing phonetic abilities.

Activity Included:

  • Match illustrated long cards with corresponding small cards featuring pictures and words.
  • Verbally blend the sounds, repeating the process for various cards to strengthen CVC word blending.
  • Utilize provided recording sheets for progress tracking.

Tools Needed: Crayons, colored pencils, or markers for coloring
Page Size: 8.5″x 11″ (Letter Size)

User Instruction:

  • Start by selecting a long card with an illustrated picture.
  • Find the small card that matches the picture, identifying the corresponding word.
  • Pronounce the word, blending the consonant-vowel-consonant sounds.
  • Repeat the process with various cards, practicing the blending of CVC words.
  • Use the recording sheets to document completed word-building activities.



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  • Interactive CVC Word Building Mastery!

    These short vowel word building cards are a game-changer! Engaging, effective, and essential for early literacy development.

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