CVC Words Learning Center in the Pocket Chart

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Title: CVC Words Learning Center in the Pocket Chart
Suitable For: Early learners, educators, homeschooling parents
Purpose: To teach CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) word families in a fun and interactive way, enhancing phonics and reading skills.


  • Use a pocket chart and letter tiles to create different CVC words.
  • Explore word families, identify patterns, and create new CVC words.

Tools Needed: Pocket chart, letter tiles (printable or physical), enthusiasm for learning
Page Size: 8.5″x 11″ (Letter Size)

User Instructions:

  • Setup: Place the pocket chart in a visible and accessible location.
  • Activity: Arrange letter tiles to form various CVC words on the chart. Encourage children to explore word families, identify patterns, and create their own CVC words using the letter tiles.
  • Purpose: Promote phonemic awareness and word recognition skills through hands-on learning.



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  • Pocket Chart Phonics: CVC Words Learning Center

    Quality resource to support students learning of targeted skills.

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